Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Mum, why do you send me to school?
a place i hardly know.
From the cocoon of your love,
it will be difficult for me to go
And write a future
into the world unknown.

But with heavy sighs and heavy cries
I was sent to make new friends.
And friends I did make,
OH! the future took shape.

Laughing and giggling the time flew by
Carefree, as I was, I realized,
Growing up could never be fun,
Without those lectures and those bunks

The nights were spent studying in hell
And the mornings followed listening to teachers yell,
Libraries were for reading faces,
Hours of detention after classes,
Man it will never return, will it?

With secrets prevalently kept
And firdt love love all abrest
Started the new phase of life amid friends
We got closer
Thought we understood the future.
Together it was fun
And time flew by with a pun.

It was then,
The call of separation finally ordained.
With tears of sorry we finally affianced,
When i said,
MUM! thanks for sending me to school
A place where my heart is there.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


It seems as if you are watching a movie stunt and as the adrenalin takes the best of you, you close your eyes with a hope that when you open them you’ll actually be in a movie hall. But the worst always happens, and as you open your eyes you can see it clearly happening in front of you…you can hear the screams…feel the panic…and listen to the CRASH.

How many times has it happened that you have witnessed a real accident happening live?? I mean the ones you see in-action in the movies actually happening in reality to someone real. Someone who is just like you and me, someone who has a family, some friends, and many responsibilities, who has a life of his own to live. Spooky it is!! And it takes the hell out of you.
It’s been more than a month now, but the calls of help and the blood and broken car with a hand hanging out still visit me in my dreams. We were in Massoori then. It was the first night halt of our 15 days long road trip into the Gharwals. At around 10 in the night, after starting our day at 6 in the morning, we reached our hotel, got fresh and sat by the balcony, hungry little beings dreaming of the appetizing dinner being cooked just for us. DRRRRR BOOOOOOOOM CRRRAAASHHH CCCCRRRRRRRR…
-What was that???
-Sounds like someone’s bursting crackers!!
-Who in the world would want to burst crackers so late in the night??? It’s already past 11…..
-SHHHH!! Watch out… see the lights rolling down??? BLOOOOODDDY a cars falling off the cliff!!!
-WHA….???? OH MY GOD!!!
It rolled on and on for about 4 minutes, continuing to make those horrific cracklings!!! And it all happened on the cliff which had a clear visibility from the place where we were standing. I could clearly see the head lights rolling down the mountain slope, the white metal body hiding itself from time to time behind the bushes and trees and suddenly there was pin drop silence…. The silence beckoning fury. And in about a second or two there was a long, shrilling, continuous blow of the horn. The cries of help are still very vivid in my ears. “PLEASE HELP! TAKE ME OUT OF HERE! IM STUCK!” people wailing and shouting!!!
On pure instincts, we rushed to the spot from where the car had fallen. It was a five minutes run. The trackers were already on their way down the cliff to trace the car and check for causalities. The wailing hadn’t yet stopped. Well at least we had the assurance that people were alive, but to think of the condition they might be in made us shudder. After all they had a good nice fall of about 50ft. There was a small crowd gathered around panicking and trying to make up stories about the car. It was getting eerier specially after having heard a local myth about how the dead haunt the city after they fall of a mountain. Enough to scare your guts out!!! Plus the cries actually weren’t stopping. My legs wanted to run but my brain commanded them to stay, to be curious and wait to see the causalities.
Half an hour passed by (but it seemed like eternity) and the car was finally traced and the casualties brought to bay. There was a couple in the car sans their kids. Both were covered in blood and it was difficult to check out for injuries. The forehead of the husband was ragged and the insides were clearly seen. The lady had her left part of the face completely covered in blood and her face was actually skewed. The left nostril had no opening, there was no trace of left cheek and a part of the jaw bone was jutting out!!!! This was it… I couldn’t stop myself from pukeing!! After all you don’t come across such accidents every time in life…just one dose is enough for lifetime!!!! And to continue explaining my condition makes me feel sick again… so I would rather not..

Monday, July 6, 2009

Its to you!!!

HI guys!! wats up???

This ones a tribute to all of you!! For being with me throug thick and thin.. a support in every possible way!! MISS you guys like hell! miss our dys spent together!! dey were ausumn fun! OH !! our school life!!!

I know this wuld be the stupidest way im putting on my emotions and i know u wuld be thiking like.. "donna's gone nuttss.. exposing her feelings in such a way...damn her"..

but guys its juz dat i LOVE you!! and want you to know dat!!!

Even now dat we are away from each oter...... we actully are together!! thee geographical distances can never seperate us!!!

to our friendship!! cheers!!!!


mmmmm its been like 3 days now that I’m being haunted!!! Well to be on the point, let’s say, it’s been near about a year now. It all started when I checked out this trailer of a film, untitled, on net. It seemed so chilling that I dint even realize that I had goose bumps all over me. I got so engrossed in the 2min trailer that I had promised myself in that very minimal time that I’m going to check this movie out anyhow. The two-minute show was not enough to fulfill my hunger. I needed more!!!! Just the hint of its taste would never appease my appetite. So I get on my expedition, searching everything I could to get the best of it. Not soon enough I knew that the film was adapted and named after a novel ‘Twilight’ written by Stephene Meyer. I venched to grab hold of this book but in wain!!!!! I searched the net, the libraries, the book stores… nothing had STEPHENE… It was probably very apt that I might give in to this strange obsession if it was left unheard…And so a friend of mine bought this book for me, afraid I might loose myself…
Three days past now I sat back to quench my thirst… I slowly took in the book….smelling in the aroma….slaking my desire….
The tale revolved around the love story of a vampire and a beautiful girl. The description was so vivid…so real and yet very imaginative. Every line teased me to read…every page beckoned me to be opened.. And I, not even for a second, tried to stop myself.
The LOVE was so true, despite the differences. The expressions were so impeccable…. Their beauty so divine…The story so immaculate!!!! I could feel myself being a part of them. The very devotional love of a mortal for an immortal caught me into its charm.

~“I love you, you are my LIFE now”~
~“Before you Bella, my life was an endless night, very dark, but there were stars-points of light and reason… and then you shot across my life like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire: there was brilliancy, there was beauty”~
~“Look after my heart…. I’ve left it with you”~

Couldn’t ever think that a handsome Immortal Vampire could ever propose his love to a beautiful mortal girl with such depths. The book caught my soul!!! And so did the movie.

But still, now that I’ve read the book and checked out the movie, why am I still feeling haunted??? Why do i feel like my quenched obsession is instigating a feeling in me. Something I can’t understand. The picturesque movie scenes, the to-the-life-descriptions in words, the soothing music made me…. makes me feel…something divine and beautiful, something I have never felt before!!!! It’s confusing me now.
Why isnt this feeling of being haunted vanishing, even after I’ve shhhhhhhed my obsession?????? Its feels just the same as i felt before i caught hold of the book.. i think i otta check out its sequel!!!