Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I don't know what love is?

I don't know how it feels?

because the world so harsh

Infidelities at power

have made a beast

of what once was me.

I wish to live for once

away from the clutches,

the bonds the world has on me.

For once I want to be me

and feel the magic

that love beholds on all...

away with the time,

beneath the shadows

holding your hands

lost in your embrace

and the love it conceals,

sink into the debts of your eyes

to search that eternal rose

which, they say

is the most precious of all...

And yes, it is a priceless jewel I posses.

The zenith of our togetherness,

I cannot say,

how difficult it will be.

I'll have to desert my love

at times

for peace and solemnity.

But forget you must not

that your seeds of love

have bloomed into me

because now I know what love is

and now I know how it feels......

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What am I????

Am I a Word??
Maybe a fantasy.
There are many answers in me,
For now I am a question to me.

The depths of the Seas and heights of the skies,
The buds of the springs and sight of the horizon,
They say
Conceals within
The mysteries unknown
To the living soul.

What mystery is, I know not
For it is concealed somewhere within me

Harsh autumn winds and the merciless sun,
The miseries of the rich, the wails of the poor,
The cries of the helpless, the terror of the scared
Will one day erode me
And then within my crust what hides
Will make itself known to the world at large
But not me
For I would be eternally one
With the great ALMIGHTY.